Representativo; Representante; Representado; Representar; Representada; Representación (desambiguación); Representaciones
= map, mapping, picture, representation, typification, depiction, enactment, portrayal, embodiment, staging, simulacrum, re-enactment [reenactment].
Ex: A detailed study of a co-citation map, its core documents" citation patterns and the related journal structures, is presented.
Ex: Recently, proponents of co-citation cluster analysis have claimed that in principle their methodology makes possible the mapping of science using the data in the Science Citation Index.
Ex: No pretence is made of their being either a balanced or complete picture of the article.
Ex: An abstract is a concise and accurate representation of the contents of a document, in a style similar to that of the original document.
Ex: Institutionalization occurs whenever there is a reciprocal typification of habitualized actions by types of actors.
Ex: Miss Laski suggests that the depiction of life found in many novels is naive, over-simplified and, as a constant diet, can do more harm than good.
Ex: To re-emphasize a point that cannot be over-emphasized: reading aloud to children of all ages is vital, if for no other reason, because this is the way we learn how to turn cold print into a dramatic enactment in the theater of our imagination.
Ex: Pictorial sources are created by the portrayal of historical events or subjects using, inter alia, a paint brush, drawing-pen, or pencil, graphic techniques or the camera.
Ex: At first, large public libraries organised readers" advisory services as the embodiment of library adult education.
Ex: The author describes the success of a library in staging a series of music concerts as a public relations exercise.
Ex: The author examines the history of the image, understood as personal simulacrum and cult object.
Ex: And literature is part of that essential human behavior; it engages us in pre-enactments and re-enactments.
* acoger bajo la representación de Uno = bring under + Nombre + umbrella.
* en representación de = on behalf of [in behalf of; on + Nombre + behalf], in + Nombre + behalf [in/on behalf of].
* falta de representación = under-representation [underrepresentation].
* guión de representación teatral = scenario.
* no tener representación = be unrepresented.
* organismo que actúa en representación de otros = umbrella.
* organización que actúa en representación de otras = umbrella organisation.
* poder de representación = power of representation.
* representación ante el juzgado = representation at tribunal.
* representación bibliométrica = bibliometric mapping.
* representación del contenido = content representation.
* representación del contenido temático = subject representation.
* representación de personas profanas en la materia = lay representation.
* representación en bits = bit-map.
* representación errónea = misrepresentation.
* representación esquemática = schematic, rich picture.
* representación gráfica = graphic display.
* representación jerárquica = hierarchical display.
* representación mediante diagramas = rich picture.
* representación mediante mapas mentales = cocitation mapping, mind mapping.
* representación óptica médica = medical imaging.
* representación óptica por resonancia magnética = magnetic resonance imaging.
* representación pictórica = pictorial representation.
* representación proporcional = proportionate representation, proportional representation.
* representación teatral = play performance, play making [play-making], stage show.
* ser la representación misma de = be a picture of.
* sin representación = unrepresented.
* visita de representación = sales call.
* voto mediante representación = proxy vote.